Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mr.Big Touring India

Yet another big name commercial act is touring India and this time its US based hard rock/heavy metal group Mr.Big.

Agreed that the band has one of the most talented musicians in their respective fields in the form of Billy Sheehan excelling in bass and Paul Gilbert in guitar and that their songs have always made their way to the Billboard charts, one must also agree that that they are here to perform for the sake of the money.

Their era has for long been forgotten and making quick bucks by touring 'international gigs starved developing countries' seems to be viable option not just for the artistes but also for the organizers. Its high time we get to see some real extreme metal act. No more Iron Maiden or Deep Purple, we need more bands like Satyricon ( thanks RSJ) touring India.

For Mr.Big tour details in India, click here

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